Raising Awareness with Michelle Lang

By Michelle Lang

Amazing Awareness being made 💖

To all the awesome people who have donated, had conversations with me and shared my page and genuinely shown support in me raising awareness for MS Society of SA &NT, 
I am truly grateful and blown away , this journey has shown me that there is so much love and kindness out there, THANK YOU ALL ♥️❤️♥️❤️
I had set the limit at $7000 ….wow 😘

Wear Red for MS …..World MS Day 30th

To all the amazing people who have donated and shared sand shown support in me raising awareness for MS Society of SA &NT
I am truely grateful, this journey has shown me that there is so much love and kindness out there, THANK YOU ALL ♥️❤️♥️❤️
Continued to raise the limit….wow 😘

Update Time …..Wow,

I am so pleased I decided to raise awareness and funds for The Multiple Sclerosis Society of South Australia and Northern Territory . 
Again, due to the overwhelming love and support and kindness and strength given to me along this journey I have raised the goal. We are almost at the end of May. Please wear Red on the 30th on May.
Hopefully we will one day change MS from Multiple Sclerosis to Mystery Solved……..thanks everyone ❤️♥️❤️

Update Help me Help Raise Awareness - Wear Red in May

Thank you, thank you. Due to the amazing support I have received, I have increased my goal to $2000, as I continue  to raise awareness and funds for MS Society.
I am extremely overwhelmed by the donations and support shown so far, I am so grateful to have so many amazing people in my life, my family, my husband and my two beautiful girls- love you all, then I have my neighbours from my childhood - love ya long time, my high school mates, my family and friends, Club1000 and my work colleagues/friends from HIC and the Codan family, I am truely astonished by this achievement, cried a few times from the love shown,  thank you all for coming on the journey and keep spreading the awareness and support, forever grateful. ❤️Michelle

Help me Help Raise Awareness - Wear Red in May

I was diagnosed with  Multiple Sclerosis almost 10 years and I still struggle with MS everyday. This not only impacts my life and abilities but also made an impact on my family. . 
 I'm raising money to support people living with multiple sclerosis! I'm inspired by the work the MS Society SA/NT do for people living with MS, and I want to help them make a difference! Please help me today by giving whatever you can. Every little bit will help
me reach my fundraising goal!
The more people that know about the MS Society, the greater the impact. So please spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family. 
Thank you for your generous support, it really means a lot!
Wear Red on the 30th May, to show you care ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you to my Sponsors


Club 1000 Elvis Night


Codan Friends 30.05.22


Robert Rath

Thank you Michelle, almost there!


Club 1000


Codan Limited

From all of your Friends at Codan


Greg Harmer

Great work!


Robert Rath

Thanks Michelle, awesome work!


Christina Lake


Ray Chen


Steve H




Deborah Schroeder


Beer O'clock

Great work, from everyone at Beer O'Clock :).


Club 1000


Paul Lang


Club 1000



Philip Marley

thank you for making a difference !


Sheng Chen


Craig Robertson


John Evans


David Reimers


Laurence Stamatescu


Antonio Sofia


Philip Marley


David Reimers


Dorin Bordean


Ray Chen


Deborah Schroeder

Keep up the great work Michelle, Amazing


Michael Barton

Well done Michelle a great cause.


Christina Lake


Jeff Hall


Tony Sofia

great cause




The Lakes




Sam England


Laurence Stamatescu

Thank you for the good work you do on this. I have psoriasis (another auto-immune disease), but the form I have (on the skin only so far) it is quite minor. I hope you keep well and get better :-)


Charles Edwards


Jeremy Lake



All the very best to you and good luck with the fund raising xx



Very best wishes and success with your treatment and fundraising. Admire your strength and determination.


Olindo Dubbioso

you are amazing Michelle best of luck Gloria


Nicole Calabro



Donny Simile


Deanna Ryan


Grace Wallage

Well done in your achievement to date.


Steven Bentham

Great work Michelle


Dorin Bordean


Charles Edwards


Shaun Borgas




Dorin Bordean


Vanessa Sparapani


Phil Watts

Well done Michelle, you really are kicking this fundraising gig. Thanks helping MS become Mystery Solved.


Nina Jaeschke


Joel Cottrell


Steven Bentham


Peter Marston


Anastasia Kalenjuk

Thank you, all the best xx


Gloria Dubbioso


Aleli Santos


Marilyn Salamon


Daryl Marcus


Daryl Marcus


Chris Ricci


Sue Dodd

Showing you my support


Naomi Arnold


Tori Lang


Adam, Ashleigh & Jaxon Keane

Love you Michelle! ❤️❤️❤️


Julie Thompson

Del, admire the way you get through this, always here for ya, love ya 💜 x


Carol Lang -jones

♥️ ♥️ ♥️



Michelle ...You are an inspiration to others xx


Helen Pires

All the best Bella!


Marie Krystallidis

You are amazing ❤


Julie Thompson



Mark Frittmann

Great Job Michelle! I'll donate more if you come to our team stand up? :) LOL


Joel Cottrell


Michelle Lang





Sarah Schembri

Well done Michelle - Inspirational ! xx






Michelle Lang



Great cause!



Michelle, you rock, my donation is not much but every little bit hopefully helps you to kick MS's butt. Xx



Keep up the fundraising, great job




